Journal of Prestieesci in Surgery
Journal of Prestieesci in Surgery is a multidisciplinary journal publishing advances and research findings in surgical practice to improve the clinical management of patients and foster surgical innovation. The publication also encourages the submission of articles based on clinical or experimental research to enhance their quality and expertise.
Although the advanced skills now required from surgeons have led to ever-increasing specialization, these still share important fundamental principles.
Topics include:
• Colorectal
• Endocrine
• Gastrointestinal
• Hepatopancreatobiliary
• Oncology
• Transplantation surgery
• Trauma
• Vascular
Manuscripts that focus solely on the prognosis of diseases, the efficacy of non-surgical treatments, or the statistical analysis of patient outcomes without relevance to surgical procedures or advancements are not suitable for publication in this journal. Studies that do not directly contribute to the field of surgery, such as those primarily concerned with general medical care or disease diagnosis, are also outside the journal's scope.
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Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)